Monday, January 11, 2010

January so Far

Erin and I have started Mums and Bubs Pilates on Tuesday (first day today which we both survived..) and Bootcamp on Thursday. Fingers crossed we survive that also. This is a picture of Erin showing some of the moves she learnt...
Clairie came to visit. Here we are at Bridgettes for Afternoon tea, we had a great time AND we got to take home dinner that Bridgy made! Perfect!

The girls and I went to see Alvin and the Chipmunks. Bailey and her friend Raegan took their little Alvins down to the Foreshore.

Jordan and Raegan came to play and we all headed down to the foreshore. Erin, Raegan and I by foot, Jordan on his Scooter and Georgia and Bailey by Rip Stick. It was a very active hour!

Baby Erin in her pram ready for a walk to the foreshore.

Mark has been flat out...Working, doing the family things and he and Simon have built a carport at Simons house. He is also still trying to get some training done, although mostly its a run here and there and if the weather is good (or I should say not bad) then he will ride to work.
The girls are currently in Bali with Matt and on their return will be doing jobs to earn a new school bag and lunch box! Ahh I love it, getting my revenge on my children!
Did I also mention that I have got rid of the big cane furniture from my dining area, replaced it with a smaller table and chairs and rearranged the lounge. Photos later...


  1. Wow! Loved this photographic update on the Sullivan/Anzin family. All looks healthy, happy and wonderful. I have you logged into my computer now and when you make a new post I get the message! I love seeing how fast Erin is growing. What is a Rip Stick??? Love to all.

    gemma ann

  2. When I saw the photo of Erin in the pram I couldn't believe she could have grown so much so soon. Unbelievable. Watch out Rosie - it will seem no time before she is running everywhere!

  3. how cute!!! Yah you have a blog! Hop eyou survived bootcamp this morning, I did my pump class at lucnjtime and am struggggling to walk!
